“I have been using ASEA Redox and RENU 28 for 3 years, in my practice and for myself. My life has benefited greatly. I feel more youthful, I have more endurance, I sleep like I haven’t slept in 25 years and all my discomfort has dramatically reduced. It has also benefited the lives of 100s of my patients.”
– Dr. Aaron Kaufman

Your body is the most complex communication network on the plant. Every second of every day, your cells pass tremendous amounts of information, within the cells, from cells to cell and throughout the body. Any breakdown in this signaling and you cannot achieve your full health potential.
A simple example. Your home is on fire and you call the fire department. They have the big red truck, the firefighters, firehose. They have everything they need to put out the fire. But what if you have a bad “cell” signal. Maybe your phone only has 1 bar, or the call keeps dropping. The fire department doesn’t get the message and your home goes up in flames.
Well it’s the same in your body. If Your Cells Can’t Signal, Little Else Matters.
ASEA REDOX is the only supplement to amplify and clarify this critical cell signal, harnessing the power of the exact same molecules your body uses. Redox Signaling Molecules.
Imagine your cells are like little bags of salt water. Every cell contains, on average, thousands of mitochondria. While these little electrical power-plants are producing ATP, your body’s natural source of energy, they are also spinning out important signaling molecules, called Redox Signaling Molecules. And these critical molecules impact the signaling and communication for every system and organ in the body.
With every decade you are alive, you make approximately 10% less of these redox signaling molecules. So, by 50 years of age, your signaling is already half what it used to be. Add to this, stress, poor diet and environmental toxins and the decline in signaling becomes even greater. As a result, your cellular rejuvenation becomes slow and sluggish and you begin to see and feel the effects of aging.
ASEA REDOX SUPPLEMENT represents a new health science technology, that is 10-15 years ahead of its time. Since we are bringing a breakthrough technology to the marketplace, it is important that we have valid independent science to back it up.
We have been taking Vitamin supplements for over 100 years. Antioxidant supplements for 40 years. Why not take a Redox Signaling supplement?
These redox signaling molecules are highly reactive in the body. I like to call them “fleeting angels”. They do their good work and then they are gone. Like little sparks of life. How do you stabilize a spark? You can’t.
And so, for 20 years after the discovery of Redox Signaling Molecules, scientists around the world declared it was impossible to stabilize them outside of the body. It could not be done.
After nearly two decades, millions of dollars and multiple patents, the scientists behind ASEA achieved the “impossible”! Starting with nothing more than salt and water, similar to what is found inside the cells, and passing it through a complex 3-day process, they created and stabilized Redox Signaling Molecules, outside of the body in perfect balance as they are found in healthy cells. ASEA REDOX was born.
We knew that ASEA REDOX could enhance cell signaling, but could it increase signaling at the profound depth of the genetic level? In an 8 week study with one of the world’s leading genetic laboratories, it was discovered that drinking ASEA REDOX for 8 weeks could increase 5 important gene signaling pathways, by up to 31%, positively impacting 5 key areas of health; Immune Function, Inflammatory Response, Cardiovascular Health, Digestive Health and Hormone Modulation. Click here to learn more about this important landmark study
The ASEA Redox Signaling technology comes in 2 delivery systems, the ASEA REDOX drink, cellular health from the inside out, and RENU 28, our topic redox gel, cellular health from the outside in. Discover how RENU 28 has been proven to have a visible impact on wrinkles, elasticity, cellulite, stretch marks, age spots, redness & irritation as well as joint and muscle discomfort. I like to call RENU 28, The Miracle Gel! LEARN MORE
Did you know, world class athletes are now consuming ASEA to increase their endurance, strength, and recovery? From Olympic Gold Medal Swimmers to Ironmen and Triathletes. DISCOVER THE ASEA ATHLETIC ADVANTAGE
INTRODUCING THE WORLD’S FIRST AND ONLY REDOX SIGNALING SUPPLEMENT! Backed by 7 patents and over 1000 trade secrets, ASEA Redox contains HIGH ENERGY Redox Signaling Molecules, that are ready to donate their signaling energy to your cells Helping your cells work like they are supposed to.
If Your Cells Can’t Signal,
Little Else Matters
If Your Cells Can’t Signal, Little Else Matters
Communication is Key
Your body is the most complex communication network that exists. Every second of every day your cells are signaling critical messages for health, repair and vitality. Any breakdown in this signaling and you cannot achieve your full health potential.
The Signaling Challenge
With age stress and environmental toxins, we begin to experience deficiencies and imbalances in these critical molecules. Approximately a 10% decline every 10 years. Unfortunately, science had declared it impossible to stabilize these fleeting molecules outside the body, so creating a signaling supplement was also considered impossible.
The Signaling Solution
After 2 decades, multiple patents and millions of dollars of research the scientists behind ASEA achieved the impossible, creating and stabilized Redox Signaling Molecules outside of the body. Now we can refuel our cells with more of these molecules and help our cells signal like they did when we were younger! The results in people’s lives are nothing short of astonishing!

Signaling at the Genetic Level.
ASEA Redox increases signaling at the genetic level up to 31%. Switching on 5 key gene signaling pathways that directly impact 5 critical areas of health; Immune Function, Inflammatory Response, Cardiovascular Health, Digestive Health and Hormone Modulation – Learn more about the science behind ASEA
5 Areas of Health
Immune System
50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease. Symptoms can affect all organs.
Hormone Modulation
Hormone imbalances account for billions of dollars in healthcare costs.
Inflammatory Response
Chronic inflammation, often triggered by stress, is linked to almost all major causes of disease death.
Digestive Function
Digestive diseases are the second leading cause of disability due to illness in the United States.
Cardiovascular System
One in every three deaths in the United States has cardiovascular disease listed as the underlying cause.

One Technology Two Delivery Systems
ASEA’s Cell Signaling Technology is available in 2 delivery systems. The ASEA REDOX drink, cellular health from the inside out, and RENU 28 Gel, cellular health from the outside in. RENU 28 has been proven to have a visible impact on wrinkles, elasticity, cellulite, stretch marks, age spots, redness & irritation, as well as offering fast relief for joint and muscle discomfort. You will soon discover why we like to call RENU 28… “The Miracle Gel” Learn more about RENU 28
The ASEA Athletic Advantage
Did you know that world class athletes, from Olympic Gold Medalists to Ironmen and Triathletes, are now consuming ASEA Redox to increase endurance, strength and recovery? Give your athletic body the fuel it craves! Learn more about the ASEA’s Athletic Advantage

One Technology Two Delivery Systems
ASEA’s Cell Signaling Technology is available in 2 delivery systems. The ASEA REDOX drink, cellular health from the inside out, and RENU 28 Gel, cellular health from the outside in. RENU 28 has been proven to have a visible impact on wrinkles, elasticity, cellulite, stretch marks, age spots, redness & irritation, as well as offering fast relief for joint and muscle discomfort. You will soon discover why we like to call RENU 28… “The Miracle Gel” Learn more about RENU 28
The ASEA Athletic Advantage
Did you know that world class athletes, from Olympic Gold Medalists to Ironmen and Triathletes, are now consuming ASEA Redox to increase endurance, strength and recovery? Give your athletic body the fuel it craves! Learn more about the ASEA’s Athletic Advantage